Original Source. 이동해미니홈피
Title: Pray for Michael...2011.4.1 AM 3:13
Written on 2011.4.1 at 04:54 AM
안녕하세요 슈퍼주니어 동해입니다. 지금은 대만에서 열심히 활동중입니다. 멤버들과 함께 앨범 활동도 열심히구,시원이와 찍는 화려한 도전...드라마를 위해서 열심히 활동중입니다. 오늘 새벽 AM:12:30 멤버들과 매일하는 성경공부를 마치고 방으로 시원이와 함께 돌아오던 길에 한명의 중국 남자가 혼자 술을 마시고 있었습니다. 그래서 왜 혼자서 술을 마시고 있느냐...라고 물어봤더니 자기는 지금 후두암에 걸려 있다고 했습니다. 그렇게 이야기는 1시간 반정도 이야기를 나눴습니다. 4월3일 의사선생님께서 생명을 잃을지 아니면 수술을해서 살수 있는지 생사여부를 알려주신다고 했습니다. 그래서 자기는 너무 슬프고 힘들고 지치고 무섭다고 말을했습니다. 저와 시원이는 마시고있던 술을 그만 마시고,손에 쥐고 있던 담배를 내려놓고 같이 기도를 하자고 했습니다. 마이클(Michael)은 하나님도 모르고 기도를 해봤자 소용이 없다고 했습니다. 자기는 이제 죽을 것이니 오로지 술과 담배로 지내겠다고 했습니다. 하지만 시원이와 저는 같이 교회에 나가고 기로를하며오로지 좋은 생각만 나쁜 생각은 버리라고 얘기를 했습니다. 마이클(Michael)은 그렇게 이쁜말,좋은생각...누구나 그렇게 이야기를 할수 있다고 말을 했습니다. 너무나 감사하지만 시원이와 저에게 너희들은 내가 아니니 이 기분도 모를것이고 내 상황도 아니니 절대 이해를 할수 없다고 말을했습니다. 그래서 지금은 돌아가신 저희 아버지 이야기를 햇습니다. 저희 아버지도 암에 걸리셨다. 3년동안 치료를 하시며 저희 아버지도 하나님을 찾게되고 하나님의 아들이 되길원 하셨다.(정말로 기독교인 이셨습니다.) 거짓말을 했습니다...지금은 건강하시다고...그리니 기도하며 술과담배는 그만하시라고 말을했습니다. 마이클(Michael)의 눈빛은 너무나 무서움에 가득차고 힘조차 없는 상태엿습니다. 그런 마이클(Michael)에게 희망을 주고 싶었고,정말로 마이클(Michael) 앞으로 건강해져서 같이 밥먹을수 있는 그런 친구가 되길 바라는 마음으로 저로서는 희망 을주는 착한 거짓말을 했다고 생각했습니다. 너무나 많은 것을 이루고 일도 열심히하고 많은 것을 인정받고 있는 마이클(Michael) 입니다. 계속 들어가서 쉬라고 말은 하지만 시원이와 저는 가지 않고 계속 이야기를 나눴습 니다. 마이클은 저희가 보는 앞에서 술을 버리고 담배도 역시 버렸습니다. 마이클(Michael)은 너무나 좋은 이야기와 희망을 주는 메세지를 보내줘서 너무 고맙 고 기도를 하며 좋은 생각을 가지겠다고 이야기를 했습니다. 역시나 발걸음을 무거웠습니다... 집에 와이프가 있고 너무 늦었다고 해서 우리집에 와서 자라고 했습니다. 마이클(Michael)은 괜찮다며 너무나 좋은 두 친구를 그리고 Super Junior를 만나서 너무 행복하고 고맙다는 메세지와 저녁식사를 초대하겠다고 했습니다. 저희가 지나가다 그냥 인사만하고 지나갔으면 아마 마이클(Michael)은 지금보다더 안좋은 생각과 부정적인 생각을 하고 있엇을것이라고 생각합니다. 옷깃만스쳐도 인연이라말이...그냥 있는게 아닌게 맞습니다. 저희는 누군가에게 희망이 되었고 용기를 줄수 있는 하나님의 아들이라는게 자랑 스럽습니다. 서로다른 각자의 인생을 살고 있지만 조금만 여유있게 옆을,뒤를 돌아보고 손을 뻗으면 누군가에게는 정말 큰 도움이 행복이 전해질수가 있습니다. 모른다고 해서 그냥 지나가는게 아니라 서로 웃으며 인사하고 인사를 먼저 안하면 먼저가서 웃으며 인사를 하면 아마 분명 상대방도 좋아할것이고 둘도 없는 친구가 될수 있을거라 생각합니다. 중보기도 요청합니다. 마이클(Michael)을 위해서 ...4월3일이 결과가 나오는 날이라고 합니다. 마이클이 건강해질수 있고 어둠이 아닌 빛으로 마이클(Michael)의 길을 비춰질수 있게 기도부탁드립니다. 그리고 이 글이 한글이라서 ...제가 영어를 못합니다...중국어도 유창하게 못합니다. 혹시 이글을 보신분들중 번역이 가능하신 분이 있다면 이글을 번역해주셔서 한사람이 열명이 되고 열명이 백명이 되고 더 많이 이 글을 보셔서 단 30초라도 마이클(Michael)을 위해서 기도부탁드립니다. 성공,돈등등 이런게 중요한게 아니라고 생각합니다. 중요한건 따로 있는거 같습니다... 오늘도 저를 단련시켜주시고 다시한번 느끼게 해주신 하나님께 감사드립니다. 그리고 매일매일 멤버들을 이끌어 하나님과 더 가까이 갈수 있는 시간을 만들어준 시원이에 고맙다는 말 전합니다. Good Night 마이클(Michael)...
Original Source. 이동해미니홈피
Original Source. 이동해미니홈피
English Translation by. Euodsie and Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Take out with full and proper credits, do not add yours in.
May be translated into other languages, but credit the original translator.
Title: Pray for Michael...2011.4.1 AM 3:13
Written on 2011.4.1 at 04:54 AM
Hello this is Super Junior Donghae. I’m currently working hard with schedules in Taiwan. Working hard with the members for album promotions, as well as filming a brilliant challenge with Siwon...working hard for drama activities. At 12:30am today after daily Bible study with the members ended, Siwon and I were on our way back to our room when we saw a Chinese man drinking alone. So when we asked him why he was drinking alone...he said he was just diagnosed with laryngeal cancer. Then we had a conversation for about an hour and a half. On April 3rd the doctor will let him know whether he can survive or not by receiving surgery. As a result he said he is too sad, strained, exhausted and afraid. Siwonie and I told him to stop drinking, to put down the cigarette he was holding in his hand, and we prayed together. Michael does not know God and said that trying to pray was useless. He said that since he’s dying already he will spend his days drinking and smoking. But Siwon and I told him to come to church along with us to have good thoughts only and throw away the bad ones through praying. Michael said such sweet words, good thoughts... Anyone could tell such stories. Although he was very thankful, he said that Siwon and I were not him and would not know how he felt either, and that we were not in his position so we could never understand. This is why I told him about the story of my late father. My father was diagnosed with cancer too. For 3 years while he was getting treatment my father too found God and wanted to become God’s son. (He was really a Christian.) Here’s where I lied... I said he’s still living healthily... And that (Michael) should pray and stop drinking and smoking. Michael’s eyes were filled with so much fear and he was in a state where he didn’t even have much strength. So I wanted to give Michael hope, and truly wished Michael would be healthy in the future and that we could become friends who could have meals together, hence I thought of going ahead with the white lie that could give him hope. Michael is one who achieved really a lot and who also received recognition for having worked very hard. He kept telling us to go back and rest but Siwon and I didn't go and kept holding a conversation. With us looking at him, after all Michael threw his drink and also the cigarette away. Michael was so thankful to us for telling him such a good story and delivering a message that gave him hope and he told us he will carry on through praying and having good thoughts. As expected his steps were heavy... he said his wife was at home and that he was too late so we told him to come to our house to sleep. Michael said it's okay and that he was too happy because he met such two good friends and Super Junior and he told us that he will invite us for dinner and to express his thanks. I think that if we had passed him, just said hello and gone by perhaps Michael would've had worse thoughts and he'd be thinking more negatively than before. The saying that even crossing paths is fate...is obviously true. We are proud to be God's sons who can give someone hope and courage. Although everyone lives their own life if we look in front, and behind us a bit more at ease and stretch out our hands we could be able to really pass down big help and happiness. Just because you do not know someone do not pass them by but greet each other with a smile instead and if they don't say hello first, go yourself first and if you greet them with a smile the other party will probably like it and I think you could even become two good friends. I'd like to ask you to pray together. For Michael ...April 3rd is the day he receives the results. I beg you to please pray for Michael to be healthy and for light, not darkness, to be able to shine on his path. Also because this entry is in Korean ...I don't speak English...I'm not fluent in Chinese either. If amidst those who see this entry there are people able to translate it please translate this writing so that one becomes ten and ten become a hundred and so many more people will see this entry and pray for Michael for at least 30 seconds even. I think that success, money, and things alike are not important. I think importance lies within other things... Today too I am thankful to God who forged me and once again made me feel. And I'd like to say thank you to Siwon who makes time to guide the members and allow them come closer to God day by day. Good Night Michael...
Original Source. 이동해미니홈피
English Translation by. Euodsie and Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Take out with full and proper credits, do not add yours in.
May be translated into other languages, but credit the original translator.
Original Source. 이동해미니홈피
Translated by. Euodsie and Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Chinese Translation by. Euodsie at SJ-WORLD.NET
Take out with full and proper credits, do not add yours in.
May be translated into other languages, but credit the original translator.
Title: Pray for Michael…2011.4.1 AM 3:13
Written on 2011.4.1 at 04:54 AM
大家好我是 Super Junior 的东海。我现在正努力的进行台湾的活动。和成员们一起努力专辑宣传,还有和始源一起拍摄一个绚丽的挑战。。。为连续剧的拍摄努力。今天凌晨12点半,每天和成员一起的圣经学结束后我和始源在回房间的路上看到一位中华男子一个人喝闷酒。我们问了他为什么一个人在喝酒。。。他说他患了喉头癌。之后我们聊了大概一个小时半。4月3号,医生会让他知道接受手术后生死与否。所以他说他很难过、辛苦、疲累和害怕。始源和我告诉他不要在喝酒,把手上那的烟放下,然后我们一起祈祷。Michael 不信神,而且觉得祈祷也没有用。他说既然他都要死了他会用酒和烟来过日子。始源和我却要求他和我们一起去教会,让他有好的想法,也用祷告把坏的念头抛开。Michael 说这么美丽的话,美好的想法。。。这种故事谁都能说。虽然很感激,他却说我和始源不是他也不会懂他的感受,也不在他的立场所以更不能了解。所以我告诉了他我父情的故事。我的父情也患了癌症。在他接受治疗的三年他信了神并想成为神的儿子。(他真的是基督教徒。)我就在这儿说了谎。。。我说他还健康的活着。。。所以 Michael 也应该祈祷并戒掉喝酒和抽烟。Michael 的眼神充满了恐惧而他也在一个毫无力气的状态中。我很想给 Michael 希望,也真心的希望 Michael 在将来也会健康并和我们成为能一起聚来吃顿饭的朋友,所以决定说了那个会给他希望的善意的谎言。Michael 这一生中很成功,努力也受到了肯定。他一直要我和始源回去休息但我们没有走还一直和他聊天。在我们的面前,Michael 果然把酒和烟都丢掉了。Michael 对我们的这番话和充满希望的故事感到非常感激,也告诉了我们他会继续祈祷并怀有好的念头。也料到,他的脚步很沉重。。。他说已经很迟了家里还有老婆所以我们邀请他来我们的家过夜。Michael 说不要紧,他能遇到两个好朋友和 Super Junior 已经很开心并且会邀请我们吃顿晚餐致谢。我想如果我们只是经过,打声招呼就走过,Michael 可能会有更坏的想法心情也会比以前更消沉。俗话说擦身而过都是一种缘分。。。真的很有道理。我们很骄傲能当神的儿子,给别人希望和勇气。虽然每个人都过着自己的生活,只要我们多注意前方和身后并轻轻的伸出手,我们就能帮助别人也能传达幸福。就算你们是陌生人,不要就轻易的经过但以微笑来打招呼。就算他们不先说“你好”,你也可以先以微笑面对他们并打声招呼,对方应该会很欢迎,你们有可能也会变成好朋友。我希望你们能够一起祈祷。为了 Michael。4月3号是他知道结果的日子。我恳求你们替Michael 祈祷,让他健康并且让光芒而不是灰暗照在他未来的路上。还有因为这篇是用韩语。。。我不会英语。。。话语也不熟。如果读了这篇的人能翻译的话,请把他翻译这样能一变十十变百,让更多的人看到这篇并为Michael 祈祷,就算只是30秒。我觉得成功和金钱之类的都不重要。我觉得关键在于其他的东西。。。今天我也很感激创造我的神让我有再一次的领悟。我也要对始源说声谢谢,这样播出时间教导成员让我们一天一天的靠近神。晚安 Michael...
Original Source. 이동해미니홈피
Translated by. Euodsie and Gaia at SJ-WORLD.NET
Chinese Translation by. Euodsie at SJ-WORLD.NET
Take out with full and proper credits, do not add yours in.
May be translated into other languages, but credit the original translator.