Siwon Tweets
►always proud of you all. and always love you all. thank you for everything. cheers! pic.twitter.com/q6a2gz6F
►thank you all our E.L.F ! We love you forever and ever :) http://pic.twitter.com/tzFoECNK
Source: @siwon407
Shared by SJ-World.Net
Yesung's Tweet
►골든디스크대상 그리고4관왕 .. 이상을선물해준 전세계ELF고맙고사랑합니다.
Golden Disk Daesang and we got 4 golden trophies .. ELF all over the world who has given this gift, thank you and i love you.
Donghae's Tweet
►골든디스크 !! 슈퍼주니어 가자 !! ELF !! Let's go!! pic.twitter.com/DyzKv3i0
Golden Disk !! Super Junior let's go !! ELF !! Let's go!! pic.twitter.com/DyzKv3i0
►슈퍼주니어 대상 !!!!!!! ELF 최고다 사랑해 !! 4관왕 !!! pic.twitter.com/TN5SXVXk
Super Junior daesang !!!!!!! ELF are the best I love you !! 4 awards !!! pic.twitter.com/TN5SXVXk
►더 열심히 할께요^^ 감사합니다 !! 사랑합니다!! 슈주최고 !! ELF 최고!! pic.twitter.com/twwgbrEg
We'll work harder^^ Thank you !! I love you!! Suju is the best !! ELF is the best!!
Source: @donghae861015
Translated by Diversity & vicтoяiaи☆규현 @ SJ-World.Net
Heechul's Tweet
►Happy new years~ http://twitpic.com/85ythl
Source: @Heedictator
Shared by SJ-World.Net
Sungmin's Blog
Golden Disk
It's rehearsal now..
I had a good dream before coming~~
It seems like something good will happen!
Blue Waves Even at Golden Disk
Even at Golden Disk Many of our fans have come~~!!!^^
We really have many good memories at Kyocera Dome~Thank you~!^^
We will keep the promise we made at the concert~
Our fans also have to keep (yours)~~~!^^
Quadruple Crown..ㅠㅠThank you~!!
It's a really really...extremely happy day~
So as to repay all of you for these awards you have given us
I will work even harder from now on!!
I love you~(You're) the best the best!!!!
Translated by Ally! @ perMINent.net
Source: Sungmin's Naver Blog
Please take out with full credits.
Kyuhyun's Tweet
►에이 모르겠다. 미운 오리새끼 Super Junior 큰 상 받게해주신, 사랑해주시는 많은 분들과 E.L.F 감사합니다. 이런거 잘안하는데, 사랑합니다❤ pic.twitter.com/BCieu3lp
ey* I don't know. Thank you to all the numerous people who give us love and E.L.F., for giving such a big award to Super Junior the ugly ducklings. I'm not good with these things, but I love you❤** pic.twitter.com/BCieu3lp
* can be translated as aye, ah, aw, but I like the sound of ey
** He means that he's not good at expressing his feelings
Source: @GaemGyu
Translated by vicтoяiaи☆규현 @ SJ-World.Net
Leeteuk's Tweet
►드디어 해냈습니다!행복을 선물한 여러분들이 만들어준 상입다!늘 고맙고 미안해요 정말 행복합니다!골든 역사상최다4관왕!열심히 투표해주고 우리 음반을 사랑해주시고 추억을 함께 만들어준 모든 분들E.L.F. 사랑합니다 pic.twitter.com/rjkPDNmQ
We finally did it!This is an award you all created, by giving us happiness as a gift!I'm thankful and sorry as always, I'm really happy!The most awards ever in Golden's history 4 Awards!To all E.L.F. who devotedly voted for us and gave love to our albums and made memories along with us I love you pic.twitter.com/rjkPDNmQ
►앞으로 새로운 역사 써나가요~^^ 멈추지 않고 달릴거에요!!슈퍼주니어는 다 잘하는데 한가지 정말 못하는게 있어요! 바로 해체!!우리 멤버들이 정말 아주 할줄도 모르는 것~늘 새롭고 노력하는 모습 보여드릴게요!지켜봐주세요^^ 우리 영원해요~!!
We'll go on writing new history in the future ahead of us~^^ we'll run without stopping!!Super Junior is good at everything but there's one thing we really can't do! And that is breaking up!!That's something our members really don't even know how to do~we'll always show you a new and hardworking image of us!Keep on watching over us please^^ we are forever~!!
I was able to keep my promise at last!!!^^May 12.. and 13!!!Super Junior, who have never had official activities even once, are holding their own concerts at the Tokyo Dome!!!From Osaka and then all the way to Tokyo!!I can't believe it..ㅠㅠhow do such things happen??It's a daebak*!!!
* Daebak = big success
This tweet was deleted
►믿을수가 없습니다!!!슈퍼주니어가 5월12..13일 드디어도쿄돔 단독 콘서트를 합니다!!!약속을지킬수있게 돼서 너무나 기쁩니다!!단한번의 정식활동도 없이 큰 사랑주시눈 여러분 감사합니다!!!!대박이죠????ㅠㅠ 우린 슈퍼주니어 ~~~!!이요!!!
I can't believe it!!!On May 12.. and 13, Super Junior are finally holding their own concerts at the Tokyo Dome!!!I'm so pleased to be able to keep this promise!!Thank you to everyone who's given us love even if we've never had any official activities!!!!Isn't it daebak*????ㅠㅠ We are Super Juni ~~~!!or!!!
* Daebak = big success
Source: @special1004
Translated by vicтoяiaи☆규현 @ SJ-World.Net
Donghae's Tweet
►I ♥ SJ !! I ♥ ELF !! 이렇게 많은 사랑을 받을수 있다는게 믿겨지지 않아요 !! 받은사랑 천천히 돌려드릴께요^^ 그때까지 함께하기!! ^^ pic.twitter.com/62T6jfKd
I ♥ SJ !! I ♥ ELF !! I don't believe it's possible to receive so much love !! We'll slowly return the love we received^^ Let's stay together until then!! ^^ pic.twitter.com/62T6jfKd
Source: @donghae861015
Translated by vicтoяiaи☆규현 @ SJ-World.Net
Eunhyuk's Tweet
►엄마 나 챔피언 먹어썽!! 고뤠~?? 안되겠다 엘프 불러야겠다 이거~ 이 상 머겅 두번머겅 세번머겅 네번머겅 pic.twitter.com/yDCvbXiV
mom I became a champion!! Reeeeally~?? This won't do I have to call ELF This~ have this award* get it twice get it three times get it four times pic.twitter.com/yDCvbXiV
Source: @AllRiseSilver
Translated by vicтoяiaи☆규현 @ SJ-World.Net
Shindong's Tweet
►@ShinsFriends : 골든디스크 4관왕 그리고 대상까지,, SNS로 축하해주신분들 너무 감사합니다,, 한분한분 답장을 못햐드려 죄송합니다 ... 이사진으로 대신할께요 ㅎㅎ 기분째진다!!!!!
►@ShinsFriends : GOLDEN DISK4冠王还有大奖,,非常感谢通过SNS给予我们祝贺的大家,,不能一一回复大家 对不起...就用这个照片代替吧ㅎㅎ 气氛被搞坏了!!!!
►@ShinsFriends : Golden Disk with 4 golden awards and so far, with the Daesang award,, To all of you who has given us a congratulations greeting through SNS, thank you very muchS... This photo will be in behalf of it ㅎㅎ I'm feeling good!!!!!
Source : @ShinsFriends
Translated credit : Super Junior [钟情云你 + K.R.Y] 马来西亚后援会@FB
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
120111 26th Golden Disk Award @ Osaka
Yesterday is 26th GDA (Golden Disk Award) @ Osaka.
GDA is a ceremony for giving awards to Singers who work really for the year 2011.
Therefore, worldwide ELF are just looking forward to this award..
Since last year SJ didn't get the Disk Daesang~
So this year ELF target to give SJ the Disk Daesang..
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Red Carpet~ |
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Siwon wave to ELF |
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ELF @ Osaka |
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Sapphire Blue Ocean @ Osaka |
OMG!! This was sooooo touching~ I guess SJ must be very proud of ELF @ Osaka..
I just soooo happy to be an ELF..
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Gyuri & Leeteuk |
I have never regret to share my love to them before..
I just hope to see healthy and happy SJ in future
I'll just skip all the program for GDA [Since I also never watch the show yet, just receive news from FB]
Here's the result for GDA 2011 @ Osaka
26th GDA @ Osaka Result
▲ Disk Daesang
- Super Junior
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SJ won 4 trophy & 1 medal~ ♥ |
▲ Disk Bonsang
- f(x)
- Jay Park
- B2ST
- Super Junior
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SJ & f(x) |
- B1A4
- Dal Shabet
- A Pink
▲ Popularity Award
- Super Junior
▲ Hallyu Icon Award
- Rainbow
▲ Best Hallyu Star Award
▲ MSN Japan Award
- Super Junior
▲ CeCi Award
- B2ST
▲ Golden Disk Producer Award
- Hong Seung Sung (Cube Entertainment)
More Photos~
GDA Result, Credit : allkpop.com
Saturday, January 7, 2012
[VOTE] M Countdown Online Poll
Dear Kpop fans,
Here's a online poll from Mnet M Countdown..
Please click on the below link to vote for your singer / songs of the week~
What are you waiting for??
Come on~ Go vote for your idol!! ^^
Here's a online poll from Mnet M Countdown..
Please click on the below link to vote for your singer / songs of the week~
What are you waiting for??
Come on~ Go vote for your idol!! ^^
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
[TWEET] 120103 Leeteuk's New Year Greeting
► @donghae861015 동해야 바베큐 먹엉..평생먹엉..
@donghae861015 Donghae-ah eat barbecue..eat it for life..
► @AllRiseSilver 혁재야 바베큐 먹엉 계속먹엉...
@AllRiseSilver Hyukjae-ah eat barbecue..continuously eat...
► @siwon407 시원아 바베큐 먹엉 영원히 먹엉..
@siwon407 Siwon-ah eat barbecue eat it forever..
└ From @siwon407 : 살쪄 안머겅
It's fattening, I am not eating
► @shfly3424 종운아 바베큐 먹엉 죽도록 먹엉...
@shfly3424 Yesung-ah eat barbecue eat it until you die...
► @ShinsFriends 신동아 바베큐 먹엉 미친듯이 먹엉...
@ShinsFriends Shindong-ah eat barbecue eat it crazily
► @ryeong9 려욱아 바베큐 먹엉 쭉쭉--먹엉..
@ryeong9 Ryeowook-ah, eat barbecue eat it enthusiastically(?)
► @GaemGyu 규현아 바베큐 먹엉 오랫동안 먹엉..
@GaemGyu Kyuhyun-ah eat barbecue eat it for a long time..
► 멤버들에게 보내는 리더형의 새해인사..난 나이먹엉 울때까지 먹엉..30..ㅠㅠ
What I've sent to the members is leader hyung-ie's new year greeting..I will eat* my age, keeping on eating* until i cry..30ㅠㅠ
└ From @ShinsFriends : 형은 나이즘 그만먹엉~ 두번먹엉~~
Hyung, stop growing old~eat it twice~~
*"eat" here also means grow, they meant growing old in this context
► 잼있다 ㅋㅋ 멤버모아서 놀고싶다..ㅋㅋㅋ근데 새벽나가 ㅜㅜ 자야해 ㅜㅜ일담 좀 샤워해야지
This is interesting ㅋㅋ I really feel like waking all the members up to play together..ㅋㅋㅋbut it is almost dawn now ㅜㅜ I should sleep ㅜㅜ before that I need to shower
└ From @ShinsFriends : 다같이 보드타러가자!! 만 심심타파즁!! 아 마따 형한테 선물이있어!! 그때장난으로 말한 사진 선물이야 ㅋㅋㅋ 멤버들은 나에게 당했다.슈퍼주니어 깃발인줄 알았겟디만.. 사실 멀티성 ㅋ http://pic.twitter.com/Fefp67s4
Let's go ski together!! I'm still recording ShimShimTaPa right now!! Ah right, I have a present for hyung. It was the photo gift that I mentioned jokingly ㅋㅋㅋ All the members have been tricked by me. They would have thought it is Super Junior's flag..but it is actually Multisung's ㅋ http://pic.twitter.com/Fefp67s4
└ 넌 역시 데이비드 카펄필드를 능가하는 녀셕이야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
You are definitely someone that could match David Copperfield* ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
*Emmy Award-winning American illusionist
► 엘프도 마구먹엉...
ELF should eat too...
Source: @special1004, @ShinsFriends, @siwon407
Korean to Chinese translation by: 唯爱SJ13-ONLYSJ13
Chinese to English translation by: KyU Is L♥Ve @ SJ-World.Net
Monday, January 2, 2012
[MESSAGE] 120102 Super Junior's New Year 2012 Message
Donghae's New Year Message
[TRANS] I'm spending the new year with the members ㅎㅎ Jealous?? Have a happy new year with Super Junior!^-^ Be healthy! Just like the East Sea (Donghae)... Super Junior Donghae
翻译 : 新年也和SuperJunior一起 福气多多哦 要健康哦 东海
Eunhyuk's New Year Message
[TRANS] In 2012, let's stay in love~!!♡ Super Junior Eunhyuk
翻译 : Super Junior银赫 2012年也相爱吧~!!! ♥
Kyuhyun's New Year Message
[TRANS] Well.. Let's forget everything in the past and expect brilliant things in 2012... To the rough open field~ let's run away♬ Super Junior Kyuhyun
翻译 : 好吧...过去的都忘记 期待灿烂的2012吧... 打破障碍~腾飞吧♬
Leeteuk's New Year Message
[TRANS] May this 2012 be a delightful year!! Coming back after 60 years, the year of the dragon! Wish this year will be a vibrant and colorful year just like a dragon for you. I keep growing oldㅠㅠ Super Junior Leeteuk.
翻译 : 2012年是壬辰年,说是60年一次的黑龙年 !请大家像龙一样充满活力的度过吧!年纪总是在长...ㅠㅠ
Ryeowook's New Year Message
[TRANS] 1]궁(0곡... What is this?ㅋㅋ I've also posted it on Twitter. "See it upside down" ㅋ It's a Ryeowook Gag. I love you♥ Happy New Year!!! Super Junior Ryeowook. Love you!
翻译 : 2011 2012 Super Junior 厉旭 来过倒。。。。。 这是什么!! keke 推特也上传了.. "看看来过倒吧" ke 不管怎么说 爱厉旭吧 我爱你们 Happy New year!! 厉旭 我爱你!
Shindong's New Year Message
[TRANS] In 2012...I'll be the only one who's rich~♡ It's a joke!! Super Junior Shindong
翻译 : 2012年...只有我一个人成了有钱人~♥ 骗你的!!
Siwon's New Year Message
[TRANS] I wish we will be so much in love, thankful, and always together...♥ SJ Siwon
翻译 : SJ member 始源 非常爱你们,感谢你们 不管什么时候也要在一起 ……
Sungmin's New Year Message
[TRANS] In 2012!! Let's also fill each day with only happy things!! Super Junior Sungmin
翻译 : 2012年耶!! 总是能充满开心的事!
Yesung's New Year Message
[TRANS] E.L.F! Have a happy new year. Super Junior Yesung.
翻译 : 新年的祝福全带走吧! Super Junior 艺声
[TRANS] I'm spending the new year with the members ㅎㅎ Jealous?? Have a happy new year with Super Junior!^-^ Be healthy! Just like the East Sea (Donghae)... Super Junior Donghae
翻译 : 新年也和SuperJunior一起 福气多多哦 要健康哦 东海
Eunhyuk's New Year Message
[TRANS] In 2012, let's stay in love~!!♡ Super Junior Eunhyuk
翻译 : Super Junior银赫 2012年也相爱吧~!!! ♥
Kyuhyun's New Year Message
[TRANS] Well.. Let's forget everything in the past and expect brilliant things in 2012... To the rough open field~ let's run away♬ Super Junior Kyuhyun
翻译 : 好吧...过去的都忘记 期待灿烂的2012吧... 打破障碍~腾飞吧♬
Leeteuk's New Year Message
[TRANS] May this 2012 be a delightful year!! Coming back after 60 years, the year of the dragon! Wish this year will be a vibrant and colorful year just like a dragon for you. I keep growing oldㅠㅠ Super Junior Leeteuk.
翻译 : 2012年是壬辰年,说是60年一次的黑龙年 !请大家像龙一样充满活力的度过吧!年纪总是在长...ㅠㅠ
Ryeowook's New Year Message
[TRANS] 1]궁(0곡... What is this?ㅋㅋ I've also posted it on Twitter. "See it upside down" ㅋ It's a Ryeowook Gag. I love you♥ Happy New Year!!! Super Junior Ryeowook. Love you!
翻译 : 2011 2012 Super Junior 厉旭 来过倒。。。。。 这是什么!! keke 推特也上传了.. "看看来过倒吧" ke 不管怎么说 爱厉旭吧 我爱你们 Happy New year!! 厉旭 我爱你!
Shindong's New Year Message
[TRANS] In 2012...I'll be the only one who's rich~♡ It's a joke!! Super Junior Shindong
翻译 : 2012年...只有我一个人成了有钱人~♥ 骗你的!!
Siwon's New Year Message
[TRANS] I wish we will be so much in love, thankful, and always together...♥ SJ Siwon
翻译 : SJ member 始源 非常爱你们,感谢你们 不管什么时候也要在一起 ……
Sungmin's New Year Message
[TRANS] In 2012!! Let's also fill each day with only happy things!! Super Junior Sungmin
翻译 : 2012年耶!! 总是能充满开心的事!
Yesung's New Year Message
[TRANS] E.L.F! Have a happy new year. Super Junior Yesung.
翻译 : 新年的祝福全带走吧! Super Junior 艺声
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