Hi, It’s Yang Hyun-Seok.
For the past few months, there were way too many rumours and misunderstanding regarding YG Entertainment.
Frankly speaking, we kept our words, because we did not think it was right to defend against every single rumours.
I am feeling deeply sorry for burdening you with our silence, and decided to explain ourselves.
I will answer the questions as if we were in an interview setting.
There has been an issue of plarigiarism regarding G-Dragon’s solo album title song, Heartbreaker. How come YG has not released an official statement regarding this issue?
Apart from the part of this issue, as a person who loves music, and as a producer who is taking part in improving popular music industry, I apologize from deep below. The reason why YG and G-Dragon did not release a statement up till now, is because we heard that the publishing companies have sent the music file to the original composer, and we have been waiting for a reply.
We did not think it was right to release our opinion before the composers have.
It was broadcasted on “News magazine 2580 (시사매거진 2580)” that Sony ATV has sent a warning to YG entertainment. What is YG’s response?
First of all, we are very upset towards Sony ATV. Everything they do, they try to justify it in the media as an official statement. I do not know whether they sent the warning to YG or they sent it to broadcast it in the media in the first place.
To the makers of music, the word ‘plagiarism’ represents the worst honor. Even if the composers say ‘it isn’t plagiarized’, it remains as unhealed deep wounds to those involved. In case of “Heartbreaker”, the other publishing companies owning 90% of the rights have remained silent, whereas Sony, owning 10% of the rights, have released their “official statement” on the media.
A few days ago, a lawyer from Sony ATV was interviewed with “News magazine 2580″, and told that they have sent a warning to YG entertainment. The only thing YG is concerned about, is that the public is thinking as if YG has been sued from the composers and YG is in a deep trouble. Contrary to the public’s belief, the warning Sony ATV sent to YG is nothing but mere document they could send hundreds of copies per day. It contained no opinions of the composers themselves, it looked like it was quickly made to be broadcasted.
Apart from the lawyer of Sony ATV, there was the president of Sony ATV Korea, Heo Young-Ah. You need to remember that she appeared as a board member for Korean Music Publishing Association; she concealed her identity as the president of Sony ATV Korea.
Ever since this issue of plagiarism broke out, YG has never asked for anything from Sony ATV. We did not want to resolve this issue without the public knowing. If there needs to be any legal actions taken, YG will try its best, and is not afraid a bit. However, we have heard that Sony ATV has only two to three people working, and we have been concerned with that. “Are they able to contact the composers directly?” “Are the original composers interested in this matter at all?” For nearly a month, we have not heard a single word from the composers, and we are doubting for a bit.
In the warning Sony ATV sent to YG, there are not only G-Dragon’s “Heartbreaker” and “Butterfly”, but also 2NE1’s “I Don’t Care” and Big Bang’s Japanese song, “With U”. We were surprised to see new songs being accused, but we will think it as Sony’s new strategies, thinking that accusing G-Dragon alone is not enough. For the cases of “I Don’t Care” and “With U”, they are the works of YG’s main producers, Teddy and Perry.
Teddy has been a producer for 10 years, and Perry has been for 15 years. There are hundreds of songs they composed and produced. Among them, there may be cases they might be accused, but for the past 10 years, there has been any accusations for their works. They remained in YG despite the countless scoutings from others. They have high pride of their music, and are hurt deeply from Sony ATV’s hush press releases.
Their hurt pride is not able to be healed fast, and YG has been accused full of “composers who plarigiarize” in the public. To be honest, I think because they are famous and both producers, Sony ATV is using them for their advantage.
Sony ATV has accused that G-Dragon’s “Butterfly” has copied OASIS’ “She’s Electric” for having similar parts.
The musician who appeared on “News magazine 2580″ stated that the parts the two songs are similar are 2 bars, panning approximately 5 seconds. But he also stated that because that is the main sequence melody, it may be a problem.
Then, I think I get to ask you a question as well.
A few days ago, Mariah Carey’s new song, “Standing O” teaser was released on youtube. Comparing this song to “I don’t care”, you get 8 bars of similar parts. It is 24 seconds, instead of 5 seconds, also has it as its major motive, and adding up the similar parts together, results in approximately 1 minute. What is Sony ATV’s opinion towards this song? I don’t know, but I am sure that you can’t easily say that Mariah Carey has plarigiarized 2NE1’s song that was released 3 months ago, although it contains longer and clearer motives from “I Don’t care”.
I have thought reversely as well. “What if this was G-Dragon’s music? What if it was the other way around?” It is quite scary.
Although embarassing to admit, the music Sony ATV presented for “I Don’t Care”, none of the composers nor
myself have heard the song, because it isn’t the type of music we listen to in the first place. Upon Sony ATV’s standards, if you were to put together pieces of any music together by force, I do not think any music could be innocent in your standards. If protecting the rights of publishers is Sony ATV’s job, you should also take a note that other publishers’ dignity and rights are just as important.
Because Sony ATV released such rash public statements, YG and G-Dragon had to receive more sarcastic remarks and offensive responses, but we decided not to release our statement towards Sony ATV through the media. It is because we respected your company, NOT because we did not have anything to say. The first and last proposal from YG to Sony ATV, is that please deliver us the opinions from the original composers to YG, and stop releasing unconfirmed statement to the media before anything finalizes. If the 4 songs you warned YG are proved to be innocent in the near-future, you should be prepared to see YG’s reaction.
Where does YG stand in this plarigiarism issue?
In my opinion, all the arguments and discussions could be seen different depending on the views and the viewers. So, I cannot explain my personal opinion of whether it was influenced by other songs or not.
However, in the centre of attention, there is “Heartbreaker”. This issue emerged above the surface because it had similar rap-flow as Flo Rida’s Right Round. Right Round is an extremely famous song even in Korea, and recently another Korean artist has sung it with translation, and appeared on the media. It is impossible that the composers at YG and G-Dragon tried to go around their way to plagiarize. It is impossible, because with the internet and all, everything gets revealed quickly.
Many expressed their concerns, “Why did G-Dragon do this? For the rappers who write and rap, it shouldn’t be hard to fix a few verses and re-recording”, and “How come did Yang Hyun-Seok, Teddy, Perry and Kush never mention that to G-Dragon?” It isn’t because we were trying to fool the public, but the other way around. I did not expect such a stir among the public, and I think I should be 100 folds more responsible than G-Dragon as the executive producer. I am truly sorry to G-Dragon and his fans who are burdened alone.
Any more wrongs from the media and misunderstandings?
YG never released a statement that “Heartbreaker is G-Dragon’s solo-composed piece. Would the public like this piece if this was a plarigiarized piece?”. This is absurd and truly psychotic. Due to high interest to Big Bang and 2NE1, there are many unsaid things being reported to the media, and rumours are creating more rumours. Because i do not socialize as much, there are haters and misunderstandings happening frequently.
Recently, KBS Radio boycotted all the YG music from being played on the air, and because 2NE1’s manager declined an interview request, one newspaper continuously pours out articles containing some crap about YG.
Even yesterday, he wrote that “Yang Hyun-seok is loving his artists in the wrong way”. For the past three months, there are over 30 articles he wrote against YG. I think the saying, ‘you never get tired’ suits him for sure. I think it is maybe because he has too much love and interest towards YG.
Mere entertainment companies can’t fight against media corporations. It is also hard to lobby them to put on
better articles. I try to think to groom myself first instead of talking badly of others these days.
There are opinions which claim that “the issue has elevated because YG has been covering G-Dragon as a genius composer”. What do you think about this?
The funny thing is, for the past 9 years G-Dragon has resided in YG, never I nor YG called him as a genius
composer. I am known to be cold and objective from my artists. The fans know that I am not that kind of person complementing the artists often. In opposite, the fans were upset because I talked about G-Dragon’s collaboration process with others.
There are around 60 songs which G-Dragon took part in compositing and writing lyrics. Usually he wrote the lyrics by himself, but when composing music, he collaborated with many people. The reason is because he has been really busy to take time arranging the songs. When G-Dragon was 16 years old, I have used my own personal money to get him some musical gear, and G-Dragon has made many hiphop tracks, but because Big Bang debuted and had rigorous schedule, it had been stopped. I heard that there are 10 people holding license for “Right Round”.
It is such an ordinary way of composing music with others.
A few months ago, it is important to be able to arrange songs you have composed, but it is also important to make the melodies and lyrics, and designing the structure of the song as a whole. They are important because they cannot be only learned. You need that sense of gift for that part.
The term ‘genius’ does not suit the 22-year-old composer, and nor does he want it. The reason why so many
people have their hopes for him, is not because he is a genius, but because he has his unique style and sense
towards music. Extraordinary 13-year-old boy has become the G-Dragon of today, and people see him in the long run and in his potential from today.
There are sayings that this issue is part of the marketing for YG.
First of all, YG is not that clever to come up with a marketing plan like this.
Especially for G-Dragon, he was receiving enough attention as the leader of famous idol group in Korea, and for releasing his ever-first solo album. He is even cutting off the appearance on the stage…
There are also rumours that you are having troubles with one broadcasting company, because your artists are not appearing on the stage.
Whenever I hear about these rumours, I feel bad towards the broadcasting company. I think this was derived
because of YG’s marketing scheme of appearing only 1 show per week. YG is only concerned about the best
program for its artists, we do not try to make better connection with the broadcasting companies. We are not
ignoring the broadcasting company, nor does the company boycotting the appearance of YG artists. In the eyes of broadcasting company, there are way too many artists wanting to appear the show. However, 2NE1 and G-Dragon has not requested to be on the show… It is only fair that they do not need to cast YG artists from their side.
Again, I apologize for any misunderstandings.
Now, the good news:
This weekend, we are filming Tae Yang’s music video “Where U At” with Seo Hyung-Seung PD. We know that his promotion period was extremely short. We are trying to come up with ideas for longer promotion period. It is being planned that the song will be released with a music video as digital media first. The estimated date for Tae Yang’s full volume cd is still to be announced. I will keep you posted about Tae Yang soon.
On the first weekend of December, there will be G-Dragon’s solo concert. It will be held in Olympic Gymnastics Stadium, and there will be two concerts. A detailed notice will be posted up soon, and the ticketing will be done after the Chinese new year.
That’s it for now. I will try to come back only with the happy news next time.
2009 09 24
From YG
translated by 코코마탑횽 @bbvipz (tiptop.mireene.com)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
[NEWS] 090921 Sony Slams YG Entertainment for Plagiarism Issues, Mod: Keep emotions in control, PG13 only

Looks like the Heartbreaker is about to get his heart broken... Sony has responded to accusations of G-Dragon's alleged plagiarism and it isn't pretty!
As many of you recall, back in August, Sony noted similarities between G-Dragon's "Heartbreaker" & "Right Round" (Flo Rida) as well as "Butterfly" & "She's Electric" (Oasis). On the 21st, Sony reported their observations to the original producers of each song then waited for their response.
Furthermore, it isn't just G-Dragon who's under the heat - according to Freechal, "I Don't Care" by 2NE1 (supposedly akin to Lionel Richie's "Just Go") & Big Bang's "With U" are also under the same situation.
ATV Music Publishing, the South Korean branch of Sony, just announced the verdict on these alleged similarities. Today on Sisa Magazine 2580 (시사매거진 2580), a news programme on MBC, it was reported that officials from Sony sent YG Entertainment warning letters regarding the plagiarism. Sony's legal representative stated, "It was a hard decision for the music critics. However, they decided that there were similarities and accordingly issued a warning letter to the production company and composers. They have also denied YG Entertainment the permission to promote these songs."
So I guess it's official - all three entertainment companies of the Holy Trinity (aka SM, JYP & YG) are having some type of who-can-stir-the-biggest-controversy contest going on. In the span a mere two months, we've seen mini implosions with TVXQ, Kangin, Jaebeom and now, officially, G-Dragon? Holy bejesus...
Regardless of whether you agree with this decision or not, I think Sony announced their decision a bit late in the game - even if G-Dragon gets knocked off, he's already established a month-long reign over the music shows and generated explosive sales, including over 100,000 copies of his album in less than a week. Furthermore, fans already have their eyes on the "Breathe" MV which is coming out any hour now. Since "Breathe" got away scot-free, G-Dragon can still make the perfect getaway to a new song and new set of promotions.
YG Entertainment has yet to respond regarding this issue. Stay tuned to allkpop as we remain the first to bring you breaking developments!
source: newsen and AllKpop
Monday, September 21, 2009
[NEWS] 090920 Kangin shed tears twice - a touching yet playful concert, Recap of SSII in HK

Hankyung, Siwon, Eunhyuk and Donghae led Super Junior in one of their many
fast songs and hot dances, dazzling happy fans from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and other countries
fast songs and hot dances, dazzling happy fans from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and other countries

SJ performed many hot numbers, including one with Leeteuk
revealing his sexiness as he pulled up his shirt
revealing his sexiness as he pulled up his shirt
Super Junior held its first concert in Hong Kong on Friday night. Kangin, who is involved in an assault case, constantly bowed to the audience and even shed tears twice in total during the concert.
With Kibum absent due to injury, SJ's other 12 members staged their first overseas stop for
Speaking Cantonese
Kangin made his first public appearance at the concert after getting involved in an assault case last week. Even though his fellow members took turns introducing themselves in Mandarin, Cantonese, or with a dance, Kangin simply waved and bowed. He looked pale, and hardly spoke during the concert. While thanking the fans for their support since the group's debut four years ago through
SJ performed over 30 songs during the concert, taking off their jackets to reveal well-built arms after ending
Shooting fans with water guns
Being the mischievious boys that they are, SJ did not forget to display their hilarious antics, with Shindong crawling out onto the stage as a baby, while Heechul's 'fart' fought off the members acting as a bat and a spider respectively. They even got SNSD to act in their short films and then performed their version of their hoobaes' popular song
Hankyung's dancing skills beat Rain's
Chinese member Hankyung performed Gary Cao's famous song <背叛> ("bei pan", or "Betrayal"), getting excited responses from the fans present. He recently beat Rain and claimed the top spot in the "Best Korean Celebrity Dancer Contest" held by a Chinese website.
Sexy dances and 'kissing'
There were also solo performances prepared for the concert, out of which Leeteuk and Ryeowook performed hot dances with female partners. The former faked a kiss with the dancer through the clever positioning of their heads, while the latter had much skinship with the female dancer who was wearing a see-through attire, leaving fans screaming mindlessly. Heechul, who sang a slow song, suddenly sat by the stairs and grabbed hold of a fan's hand before kissing it.
Sr: 腾讯娱乐讯
Translated by yurim_sj♥ @ SJ-World.net
[NEWS] 090914 GD: "I could never beat TaeYang"
In his recent interview with Money Today Star News, Big Bang’s leader G-Dragon spoke about his “unlimited trust” in TaeYang, his fellow bandmate and close friend since childhood.
Commenting about TaeYang’s solo album scheduled to be released early November, GD smiled and admitted that their promotion periods could partially overlap. When the reporter said, "The competition between you two will be interesting to watch," he humbly replied, "(A deep sigh) I could never beat TaeYang."
They are now fellow bandmates but their friendship began 10 years ago when they were both in the 6th grade and joined YG Entertainment as trainees. Naturally they know each other better than anyone else. G-Dragon speaks highly of TaeYang because he knows about his consistent dedication and passion towards music and performance. TaeYang, too, do not hesitate to use the expression, "the best" when he talks about his buddy G-Dragon.
[Original source: HeSeong Gil@StarNews]
[Translated by pgeorgie]
Commenting about TaeYang’s solo album scheduled to be released early November, GD smiled and admitted that their promotion periods could partially overlap. When the reporter said, "The competition between you two will be interesting to watch," he humbly replied, "(A deep sigh) I could never beat TaeYang."
They are now fellow bandmates but their friendship began 10 years ago when they were both in the 6th grade and joined YG Entertainment as trainees. Naturally they know each other better than anyone else. G-Dragon speaks highly of TaeYang because he knows about his consistent dedication and passion towards music and performance. TaeYang, too, do not hesitate to use the expression, "the best" when he talks about his buddy G-Dragon.
[Original source: HeSeong Gil@StarNews]
[Translated by pgeorgie]
[NEWS] 090920 Andy Lau & F4's Vanness sent congratulatory flowers to SJ on SS2 in HK

After Super Show II in Seoul in July, Super Junior's SS2 in Hong Kong on September 18th was also successful.
On September 18th, Super Show II had been held at Hongkong Asia World Expo Arena, it was started from 8PM and last about 3 hours. This is the first Super show II in an oversea country, and also the first concert of Super Junior in Hongkong, thus the concert got a lot of hot interest from Hongkong fan.
Especially, it had drew a lot of attention from people when knowing that great Asian actor Andy Lau and famous Taiwan group F4's member Vanness had sent congratulation flowers to Super Junior on their SS2 in Hongkong. Anday Lau & SJ Shiwon had acted together in the movie "Battle of Wits" and Vanness had had a time of doing activities in Korea with Kangta. Both of them sent flowers as a support message to Super Junior.
Beside the original performances from SS2 in Seoul, this time in Hongkong member Hankyung had performed a solo song called "Betrayal" of Taiwan singer Gary Cao. Shindong, Eunhyuk, Hankyung, Donghae, Sungmin showed a powerful dance performance and Super Junior M had performed their new songs "Super girl" & "Blue tomorrow", the two songs are in their up-coming minialbum which will be released in the end of September.
original article is here translated by evanesco@sj-world.net may take out with full credits
Sunday, September 20, 2009
[NEWS] GDragon labelled ‘herbivorous guy', "I have many girlfriends, but none of them become my lover”
Big Bang GDragon has been labelled as a 'herbivorous guy’.
GDragon did a test on how much of a 'herbivorous guy' he is on the show SBS Kim JungEun's Chocolated aired on 19th September.
It has been known that GDragon has become the new representative of 'herbivorous guy' in the entertainment zone with his unique fashion sense.
GDragon was asked to answer a series of questions with 'O' or 'X' answer - "I have a lot of girl friends but there is no case of development into lovers","I can hold a computer dinner with alcohol' etc. And most of his answers were 'O’ and MC Kim JungEun has labelled him as a 'perfect herbivorous guy’.
During this episode, GDragon also performed his solo songs like 'Heartbreaker', Breathe' and 'This Love’.
Meanwhile, GDragon continues with the 'GDragon tsunami' phenomenon, the song 'Heartbreaker' is doing well up on music charts and music shows rankings.
*PS: 'Herbivorous Guy’, according to Korean Wiki, is to describe someone who does not appeal very strongly as an opposite gender to female, but is known to be active in his interests and hobbies, and rather passive when it comes to females or lovers.
Translators note:I hope I’m getting this right – it’s like the idea of guy friends who are like really close friends but you don't see them as becoming your boyfriend?
Credits:K Bites
GDragon did a test on how much of a 'herbivorous guy' he is on the show SBS Kim JungEun's Chocolated aired on 19th September.
It has been known that GDragon has become the new representative of 'herbivorous guy' in the entertainment zone with his unique fashion sense.
GDragon was asked to answer a series of questions with 'O' or 'X' answer - "I have a lot of girl friends but there is no case of development into lovers","I can hold a computer dinner with alcohol' etc. And most of his answers were 'O’ and MC Kim JungEun has labelled him as a 'perfect herbivorous guy’.
During this episode, GDragon also performed his solo songs like 'Heartbreaker', Breathe' and 'This Love’.
Meanwhile, GDragon continues with the 'GDragon tsunami' phenomenon, the song 'Heartbreaker' is doing well up on music charts and music shows rankings.
*PS: 'Herbivorous Guy’, according to Korean Wiki, is to describe someone who does not appeal very strongly as an opposite gender to female, but is known to be active in his interests and hobbies, and rather passive when it comes to females or lovers.
Translators note:I hope I’m getting this right – it’s like the idea of guy friends who are like really close friends but you don't see them as becoming your boyfriend?
Credits:K Bites
[PERF] 190909 G-Dragon on KJE's Chocolate
HeartBreaker Performance
Breath Performance
Interview feat Gaho
This Love Performance
video credits: elavip2 @ youtube | 디지뱅★ @ bbvipz
Breath Performance
Interview feat Gaho
This Love Performance
video credits: elavip2 @ youtube | 디지뱅★ @ bbvipz
[NEWS] 190909 G-Dragon New MV Breathe
Saturday, September 19, 2009
[MV & Lyrics] f(x) - La Cha Ta [Rom/Kor/Eng]
English Translate are in the MV!
CREDIT: pickychu @ lollipop_lyrics
[Luna] I sori deullyeo
Yeogi meotjin sognyeoshinsabundeul neomchyeo AH AH AH
[Krystal] Ja ja milji mashigo
Modu hwaginhae bwa ibjangsunseo neombeo YEAH YEAH YEAH
[f(x)] Banjjag beonjjeog SOUND oneul STYLE joheun geol
[Sul Li] Olhji jalhae geurae nareul ddara hanbeon deo gaja
[f(x)] Ape dwie yepedeul ssauji malgo ta
[Victoria] Ije dwaeda junbiwanlyo NOW EVERYBODY SAYS
[f(x)] LA LA ireohge CHA CHA CHA ro AH
Shinandago ya lacha lacha lacha tata
Noraereul ddara momdo ddara ga NOW EVERYBODY
Neomu shwibji dadeul joha BABY
[Krystal] Je teibeul araero geunyeo haendeubaeg sogedo
Gadeug neomchyeo YEAH YEAH YEAH
[f(x)] Banjjag beonjjeog SOUND oneul STYLE joheun geol
[Sul Li] Olhji jalhae geurae nareul ddara hanbeon deo gaja
[f(x)] Ape dwie yepedeul ssauji malgo ta
[Luna] Ije dwaeda junbiwanlyo NOW EVERYBODY SAYS
[f(x)] LA LA ireohge CHA CHA CHA ro AH
Shinandago ya lacha lacha lacha tata
Noraereul ddara sumdo ddara shwieo NOW EVERYBODY
Neomu shwibji dadeul joha BABY
I jjarathan neukkim ddara gaja
[Krystal] Jalnal pilyeo eobseo ineun geudaero
[Luna] Myeot beon yeonseubman hamyeon dwae
[Krystal] Olhji jilhae geurae geureohge ddarawa
[Sul Li] Ije jinjja junbiwanryo NOW EVERYBODY SAYS
[f(x)] LA LA ireohge CHA CHA CHA ro AH
Shinandago ya lacha lacha lacha tata
Noraereul ddara momdo ddara ga NOW EVERYBODY
Neomu shwibji dadeul joha BABY
LA LA ireohge CHA CHA CHA ro AH
Shinandago ya lacha lacha lacha tata
Noraereul ddara sumdo ddara shwieo NOW EVERYBODY
Neomu shwibji dadeul joha BABY
Lyrics from 가사집:
이 소리 들려? 여기 멋진 숙녀신사분들 넘쳐 Ah Ah Ah~
자 자 밀지마시고 모두 확인해봐 입장순서 넘버 Yeah Yeah Yeah~
반짝 번쩍 Sound 오늘 Style 좋은걸 옳지, 잘해, 그래, 나를 따라 한번 더 가자
앞에 뒤에 옆에들 싸우지 말고 타
이제 됐다 준비완료? Now everybody says
LA LA 이렇게 chA~ chA chA 로 AH~! 신난다고 야~ 라차 라차 타타
노래를 따라 몸도 따라 가 Now everybody, 너무 쉽지 다들 좋아 Baby~
저 테이블 아래로 그녀 핸드백 속에도 가득 넘쳐 Yeah Yeah Yeah~
반짝 번쩍 Sound 오늘 Style 좋은걸 옳지, 잘해, 그래, 나를 따라 한번 또 가자
앞에 뒤에 옆에들 싸우지 말고 타
이제 모두다 준비완료? Now everybody says
LA LA 이렇게 chA~ chA chA 로 AH~! 신난다고 야~ 라차 라차 타타
노래를 따라 숨도 따라 쉬어 Now everybody, 너무 쉽지 나를 따라 Baby~
C`mon C`mon C`mon C`mon baby come on
C`mon C`mon C`mon C`mon baby come
C`mon C`mon C`mon C`mon baby come on
이 짜릿한 느낌 따라 가자
Come come come come on baby
잘날 필요 없어 있는 그대로 몇 번 연습만 하면 돼
옳지 잘해 그래 그렇게 따라와 이제 진짜 준비완료?
Now everybody says
LA LA 이렇게 chA~ chA chA 로 AH~! 신난다고 야~ 라차 라차 타타
노래를 따라 몸도 따라 가 Now everybody, 너무 쉽지 다들 좋아 Baby~
LA LA 이렇게 chA~ chA chA 로 AH~! 신난다고 야~ 라차 라차 타타
노래를 따라 숨도 따라 쉬어 Now everybody, 너무 쉽지 나를 따라 Baby~
( Just move to the beat/ It aint that hard/ Heats rising up/ Partys just begun
You dont have to be afraid, Ill show you how/ Say it with me now LA chA TA TA
Going all night so live it up/ Go with the music and have some fun
Put it on repeat/ This is how we groove/ Come on everybody/ Show them how we do)
[MV & Lyrics] Baek Ji Young - Candy (feat 2PM Taecyeon) [Rom/Kor/Eng]
English Translation are in the MV!!
Niga wonhaneun geu mari mwoya
Naege malhaebwa
Niga museun mareul haejundedo
Naneun naraga
Jeil dalkomhan geu mareul
Wonhandamyeon nareul bwa
Bukkeureopjiman geu mareul wonhae
Neodo aljanha
Saranghae (saranghae)
I love you (I love you)
Eotteon mareul wonhaedo
Da ni gwitgae haejulkke
Wo ai ni (wo ai ni)
Te quiero (Te quiero)
Neomu dalkomhaeseo mari malgatjiga anha
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
Dalkomhage jeoksin ttalgi gateun
Neoui ipsullo
Dalkomhage jeoksin ttalgi gateun
Neoui ipsullo
Malhae budeureopge malhae ppalli
Naui gwitgaro
Malhae budeureopge malhae ppalli
Naui gwitgaro
Saranghae (saranghae)
I love you (I love you)
Eotteon mareul wonhaedo
Da ni gwitgae haejulkke
Wo ai ni (wo ai ni)
Te quiero (Te quiero)
Neomu dalkomhaeseo mari malgatjiga anha
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
Nae gwie candy
Nae gwie candy
Nae gwie candy
Nae gwie candy
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
Nae gwie candy
Kkulcheoreom dalkomhae ni
Moksoriro budeureopge
Nal nogyeojwo
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
La la lala lalalala lalala lalala
Credit: here
Lyrics from 가사집:
니가 원하는 그 말이 뭐야 내게 말해봐
니가 무슨 말을 해준데도 나는 날아가
제일 달콤한 그 말을 원한다면 나를 봐
부끄럽지만 그 말을 원해 너도 알잖아
*사랑해 (사랑해) I love you (I love you)
어떤 말을 원해도 다 니 귓가에 해줄께
워 아이 니 (워 아이 니) Te quiero (Te quiero)
너무 달콤해서 말이 말같지가 않아
** 내 귀에 캔디 꿀처럼 달콤해 니 목소리로 부드럽게 날 녹여줘
내 귀에 캔디 꿀처럼 달콤해 니 목소리로 부드럽게 날 녹여줘
라 라 라라 라라라라 라라라 라라라
라 라 라라 라라라라 라라라 라라라
달콤하게 적신 딸기 같은 너의 입술로
달콤하게 적신 딸기 같은 너의 입술로
말해 부드럽게 말해 빨리 나의 귓가로
말해 부드럽게 말해 빨리 나의 귓가로
* 반복
** 반복
[NEWS] 180909 Super Junior arrive in HK & cause chaos..., ...Hangeng exposes he loves beef ball noodles
Sina Entertainment News. Yesterday, 17th September, relying on the intense popularity of songs like , etc, Super Junior, who have caused a wind of Korean pretty boys in Asia have arrived in Hong Kong, for the press conference for their concert to be held in the Hong Kong Asian International Expo. Chinese member, Hangeng, exposed during the press conference that he really loves eating Hong Kong's 'beef ball noodles'.
From leaving the plane till arriving at the press conference which was held at the Skycity Marriott Hotel, throughout the entire journey hundreds of fans followed closely, a moment's unlimited charm. & from the start the ten men who introduced themselves in fluent Mandarin showed what really sets Super Junior apart as a international group. Hangeng, who hails from Heilongjiang, stood out among the group of Korean pretty boys, as he leads the Super Junior sub-group, SJM, whom have just released their second album, immediately received a heated response, once in China, "land-owner" Hangeng represents the entire group shows his "bottomless ambition", & that is that one day they'll be able to hold a Super Junior concert in Hong Kong's Hong Kan Stadium.
Hangeng, who's the third oldest in the group, has many many groups of fans from China, Korea, Thailand & even the West, & even more through starring in the drama has become the representative of a new strength among the acting circles. On the outside he looks stable & calm, but in private he's actually a passionate lover of food, once coming to Hong Kong quickly pointing out that his favorite is the 'beef ball noodles'.
original; sina
translation credits; fragment @ sj-world.net
may take out with proper credits, BUT NO ADDING YOURSELF IN THE CREDITS!
From leaving the plane till arriving at the press conference which was held at the Skycity Marriott Hotel, throughout the entire journey hundreds of fans followed closely, a moment's unlimited charm. & from the start the ten men who introduced themselves in fluent Mandarin showed what really sets Super Junior apart as a international group. Hangeng, who hails from Heilongjiang, stood out among the group of Korean pretty boys, as he leads the Super Junior sub-group, SJM, whom have just released their second album
Hangeng, who's the third oldest in the group, has many many groups of fans from China, Korea, Thailand & even the West, & even more through starring in the drama
original; sina
translation credits; fragment @ sj-world.net
may take out with proper credits, BUT NO ADDING YOURSELF IN THE CREDITS!
[NEWS] 180909 Suju Heechul's surprising appearance on Oppa band "I want to become 9th member of Oppa band"
All the members of MBC "Oppa band" have left for a music travel as the autumn is coming.
On the recent filming of "Oppa band", with the dress concept "Autumn guy", every member of Oppa band has showed their own fashion style and got on the train. This day, their rival on the train is an university band and the two bands have had a band battle.
Besides, on that day Super Junior Kim Heechul had appeared without people's knowing and said "I want to become the 9th member of Oppa band". Recently, Heechul always showed his interest toward Oppa band and on that filming day, he even asked whether he could become an official member but it's a pity that there isnt any vacant position in Oppa band.
Because of being worry about their spot, all the Oppa band's members kept a look-out on Heechul and Kim Gura even used malicious language to him. Despite of Kim Gura's abusive language and Tak Jaehoon's harsh treatment, Heechul still showed his determination.
The show will be aired at 5.20PM on September 20th.
original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
On the recent filming of "Oppa band", with the dress concept "Autumn guy", every member of Oppa band has showed their own fashion style and got on the train. This day, their rival on the train is an university band and the two bands have had a band battle.
Besides, on that day Super Junior Kim Heechul had appeared without people's knowing and said "I want to become the 9th member of Oppa band". Recently, Heechul always showed his interest toward Oppa band and on that filming day, he even asked whether he could become an official member but it's a pity that there isnt any vacant position in Oppa band.
Because of being worry about their spot, all the Oppa band's members kept a look-out on Heechul and Kim Gura even used malicious language to him. Despite of Kim Gura's abusive language and Tak Jaehoon's harsh treatment, Heechul still showed his determination.
The show will be aired at 5.20PM on September 20th.
original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
[NEWS] 180909 Suju Heechul's surprising appearance on Oppa band "I want to become 9th member of Oppa band"
All the members of MBC "Oppa band" have left for a music travel as the autumn is coming.
On the recent filming of "Oppa band", with the dress concept "Autumn guy", every member of Oppa band has showed their own fashion style and got on the train. This day, their rival on the train is an university band and the two bands have had a band battle.
Besides, on that day Super Junior Kim Heechul had appeared without people's knowing and said "I want to become the 9th member of Oppa band". Recently, Heechul always showed his interest toward Oppa band and on that filming day, he even asked whether he could become an official member but it's a pity that there isnt any vacant position in Oppa band.
Because of being worry about their spot, all the Oppa band's members kept a look-out on Heechul and Kim Gura even used malicious language to him. Despite of Kim Gura's abusive language and Tak Jaehoon's harsh treatment, Heechul still showed his determination.
The show will be aired at 5.20PM on September 20th.
original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
On the recent filming of "Oppa band", with the dress concept "Autumn guy", every member of Oppa band has showed their own fashion style and got on the train. This day, their rival on the train is an university band and the two bands have had a band battle.
Besides, on that day Super Junior Kim Heechul had appeared without people's knowing and said "I want to become the 9th member of Oppa band". Recently, Heechul always showed his interest toward Oppa band and on that filming day, he even asked whether he could become an official member but it's a pity that there isnt any vacant position in Oppa band.
Because of being worry about their spot, all the Oppa band's members kept a look-out on Heechul and Kim Gura even used malicious language to him. Despite of Kim Gura's abusive language and Tak Jaehoon's harsh treatment, Heechul still showed his determination.
The show will be aired at 5.20PM on September 20th.
original article is here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
[NEWS] 160909 Kangin involved in a fight (Sept 18th UPDATES from police's interview), Kangin wont attend 2009 ASF, the result might be out on Sept 21
About 3.35AM on September 16th, Kangnam police were reported a case of fighting at a bar in Non-hyeon Dong, Kangnam which Kangin is involved. According to them, Kangin went to that bar to drink with a friend and was caught between a fight of two or three other guests when there ended up being violence in the bar. Therefore, Kangin and 4 other people who involved in this assault case were investigated by the police. Both SM Entertainment and Kangin himself stated that Kangin is innocent and he's just the eyewitness. Kangin himself also said that he's the victim, the one who got hit, not hitting other people. However, according to the police, one of a suspect claimed that Kangin had attacked him so they need to do more investigation about the case.
One person from Kangin's side said that while Kangin was drinking, a random person suddenly came into the room and displayed an act of violence for no apparent reason, not only to Kangin, that person also used abuse language to the waiter. Because of that sudden event, Kangin had left the bar and came home. But when being asked about the mess, some person said that Kangin was there so after coming home, he had to go to the police station for the investigation process.
The police said that Kangin was not drunk at the time the fight happened while the other suspect (a 35-year-old company employer called Kim-sshi) was dead-drunk so it's a high possibility that he was the one who started the fight. Kangin and the other 4 suspects were at the police station for the investigation process until 10.50AM.
On September 16th afternoon, Kangnam police have got the CCTV about the incident's footage and they said the truth about this case might be revealed on September 17th
credits : various Korean articles, k bites, omonatheydidnt
summarized by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits
UPDATES on September 17th
- because of this case, Kangin being the main model with 2009 Miss Korea Kim Joori at a fashion show on September 22nd of Andre Kim is cancelled. Andre Kim said he is finding another one to replace Kangin.
- It seems that CCTV had caught a fight and Kangin was there but since the CCTV is quite blurred, the police might request the National Lab of crime investigation science to do more analysis about this so the investigation of this CCTV will take one or two more day and it will end on tomorrow September 18th so the result might be out after then. They said it's not easy to say anything because the case was happened at night time.
source : here, here, here
according to SM Entertainment, Kangin had flied to Hongkong today afternoon with Super Junior to prepare for the SS2 in Hongkong which will be taken place tomorrow. However, SM said that Kangin's schedule after SS2 in Hongkong havent been confirmed yet
source : here
UPDATES on September 18th
this is information from the interview with Kangnam police, there are some points which are much different than the previous statements
- According to the police, the fight did happen on the street (aka outside the bar) where a CCTV had caught the footage. It seems that Kangin and his friend were drinking in the bar when two other guests who couldnt find their room came in and there was a dispute between them. However, after Kangin came out of the bar, those two had followed him and started a fight. There was a passerby who said that he tried to stop the fight, thus being dragged into this case.
- The police said the friend who drank with Kangin isnt involved in this case because the fight happened outside the bar after they had drunk. They also said no one was dead-drunk when the fight happened and no one is seriously hurt .
- Besides, the police said that in the middle of the fight, there were 2 more people who had joined in....Kangin said that he doesnt know these people but the police are investigating about them so they cant say anything yet.
the link of the interview is here
Although Kangin headed over to Hong Kong for Super Junior's Super Show 2 concert, it has just been confirmed that he will not attend the 2009 Asia Song Festival.
SM Entertainment stated to Newsen on the 18th:
"Kangin will not be attending the Asia Song Festival. Although Kangin will not attend, the rest of the Super Junior members will continue on as planned and perform on stage."
Kangin will be returning to Korea immediately after the Super Show 2 concert is over. In addition, Hwang Jung Eum and Kim Yong Joon will be replacing Kangin for the Andre Kim fashion show.
Kangin is currently under investigation for a recent assault case, which occurred at a bar in Seoul on September 16th, 2009.
Credits by: johnnydorama (allkpop)
Kangnam police said that although they had done the watching and analyzing of the CCTV, the result will be only revealed next week Monday September 21st
source : here
One person from Kangin's side said that while Kangin was drinking, a random person suddenly came into the room and displayed an act of violence for no apparent reason, not only to Kangin, that person also used abuse language to the waiter. Because of that sudden event, Kangin had left the bar and came home. But when being asked about the mess, some person said that Kangin was there so after coming home, he had to go to the police station for the investigation process.
The police said that Kangin was not drunk at the time the fight happened while the other suspect (a 35-year-old company employer called Kim-sshi) was dead-drunk so it's a high possibility that he was the one who started the fight. Kangin and the other 4 suspects were at the police station for the investigation process until 10.50AM.
On September 16th afternoon, Kangnam police have got the CCTV about the incident's footage and they said the truth about this case might be revealed on September 17th
credits : various Korean articles, k bites, omonatheydidnt
summarized by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits and dont add in your own credits
UPDATES on September 17th
- because of this case, Kangin being the main model with 2009 Miss Korea Kim Joori at a fashion show on September 22nd of Andre Kim is cancelled. Andre Kim said he is finding another one to replace Kangin.
- It seems that CCTV had caught a fight and Kangin was there but since the CCTV is quite blurred, the police might request the National Lab of crime investigation science to do more analysis about this so the investigation of this CCTV will take one or two more day and it will end on tomorrow September 18th so the result might be out after then. They said it's not easy to say anything because the case was happened at night time.
source : here, here, here
according to SM Entertainment, Kangin had flied to Hongkong today afternoon with Super Junior to prepare for the SS2 in Hongkong which will be taken place tomorrow. However, SM said that Kangin's schedule after SS2 in Hongkong havent been confirmed yet
source : here
UPDATES on September 18th
this is information from the interview with Kangnam police, there are some points which are much different than the previous statements
- According to the police, the fight did happen on the street (aka outside the bar) where a CCTV had caught the footage. It seems that Kangin and his friend were drinking in the bar when two other guests who couldnt find their room came in and there was a dispute between them. However, after Kangin came out of the bar, those two had followed him and started a fight. There was a passerby who said that he tried to stop the fight, thus being dragged into this case.
- The police said the friend who drank with Kangin isnt involved in this case because the fight happened outside the bar after they had drunk. They also said no one was dead-drunk when the fight happened and no one is seriously hurt .
- Besides, the police said that in the middle of the fight, there were 2 more people who had joined in....Kangin said that he doesnt know these people but the police are investigating about them so they cant say anything yet.
the link of the interview is here
Although Kangin headed over to Hong Kong for Super Junior's Super Show 2 concert, it has just been confirmed that he will not attend the 2009 Asia Song Festival.
SM Entertainment stated to Newsen on the 18th:
"Kangin will not be attending the Asia Song Festival. Although Kangin will not attend, the rest of the Super Junior members will continue on as planned and perform on stage."
Kangin will be returning to Korea immediately after the Super Show 2 concert is over. In addition, Hwang Jung Eum and Kim Yong Joon will be replacing Kangin for the Andre Kim fashion show.
Kangin is currently under investigation for a recent assault case, which occurred at a bar in Seoul on September 16th, 2009.
Credits by: johnnydorama (allkpop)
Kangnam police said that although they had done the watching and analyzing of the CCTV, the result will be only revealed next week Monday September 21st
source : here
[PERF] 180909 G-Dragon - Heart Breaker at KBS Music Bank
LOL!! GD new style!!
GD start his new style with a bright yellow shirt with a Mickey head on it!!
That was really cool!!
I like the shade he wear!! ♥
Friday, September 18, 2009
[Audio & Lyrics] G-Dragon - Hello (feat. Dara) [Kor/Rom/Eng]
credit to: love.tonic@bbvip
[GD] Let's go you ain't got a girl right now
Well cuz you ain't got no gain (i know)
i'm show you how to do it gd style (he's write it down)
Here 's some rules though,
One, Put on nice
Two, Don't be nervous
Three, Just be yourself (Yeah-p) Follow me now
He just wanna be rap star vita?
모자살짝 걸쳐주고 바지 힘껏 내려주고
하얀 운동화 빛나는 목걸이 (bling~~!)
걸을 때도 꼭 리듬에 맞춰 표정또한 개구지게 인상써
왼손엔 MIC 오른손엔 Boombox speak?심심하다면 북치기 박치기
Yeah 귀여운 nice cool 이제 저기 힙걸에게 nice to meet you
그러니 수법은 비추 이상하게 쳐다 보잖아 man i told you (oh no~!)
눈치는 다 밥말아먹었어 잘나가다가 다 말아먹었어
But 기횐 다시 돌아오는 법 So Hollaback yo
[Dara] Hello Sexy guy도 Hello Handsome boy 도 Hello Hello 먼저 말걸어준다면
[GD] Hello 도도한 girl Hello 귀여운 girl Hello Hello 저기 잠시만요 Say hello---
She's wanna be 이번엔 좀 어려운 date하는 가만히 있어도 화보를 찍어야되요
좀더 chic하게 센치하게 때론 (fashion)그는 청바지에 흰티 깔끔한 Suit 아니면 vintage
무언갈 입을거든 무언가 멋스럽게 김치 일생의 show like
Yeah 귀여운 nice n cool You can do it too You don't see that fool
그녀도 널 보네 힐끗 힐끗 여자의 자존심은 높은 하이힐급
니가 먼저 다가가 조심스레 눈은 지긋이 그건 게슴츠레 차나 마시고 재밌는 영화도
Say i go anywhere you go
[Dara] Hello Sexy guy도 Hello Handsome boy 도 Hello Hello 먼저 말걸어준다면
[GD] Hello 도도한 girl Hello 귀여운 girl Hello Hello 저기 잠시만요 Say hello---
[D] 잠깐 실례합니다 [G] 나도 잠깐 실례합니다
[D]나쁜 사람은 아냐 [G] 표현이 서툴뿐인 걸
[D] 용기내 여기까지 왔어 need to say goodbye [G] 그대 처음본 순간 I'am falling in love with you girl
[Dara] Hello Sexy guy도 Hello Handsome boy 도 Hello Hello 먼저 말걸어준다면
[GD] Hello 도도한 girl Hello 귀여운 girl Hello Hello 저기 잠시만요 Say hello---
La la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la la la
So So fresh what a Hello~~~~~~~~
[Dara] Hello Sexy guy도 Hello Handsome boy 도 Hello Hello 먼저 말걸어준다면
[GD] Hello 도도한 girl Hello 귀여운 girl Hello Hello 저기 잠시만요 Say hello---
La la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la la la
credit to: love.tonic@bbvip
Mojasaljjak geolchyeojugo baji
Himkkeot naeryeojugo
Hayan undonghwa bitnaneun mokgeori (BLING~)
Georeul ttaedo kkok rideume matchwo
Pyojeongttohan gaegujige insangsseo
Oensonen MIC oreunsonen Boombox speak?
simsimhadamyeon bukchigi bakchigi
YEAH YOU’RE NICE AND COOL ije jeogi hipgeorege
Geureoni subeobeun bichu
Isanghage chyeoda bojanha
Nunchineun da bammarameogeosseo
Jallagadaga da marameogeosseo
BUTgihoen dasi doraoneun beop
Meonjeo malgeoreojundamyeon
[GD] HELLO dodohan GIRL
HELLO gwiyeoun GIRL
Jeogi jamsimanyo SAY HELLO
Jom eoryeoun DATEhaneun
Gamanhi isseodo hwaboreul jjigeoyadoeyo
Jomdeo CHIC hage senchihage ttaeron (FASHION)
Geuneun cheongbajie
Huinti kkalkkeumhan SUIT animyeon VINTAGE
RUNWAY ibeulgeodeun mueonga meosseureopge gimchi
Ilsaengui SHOW LIKE
Geunyeodo neol bone hilkkeut hilkkeut
Yeojaui jajonsimeun nopeun haihilgeup
Niga meonjeo dagaga josimseure
Nuneun jigeusi geugeon geseumcheure
Chana masigo jaeminneun yeonghwado
Meonjeo malgeoreojundamyeon
[GD] HELLO dodohan GIRL
HELLO gwiyeoun GIRL
Jeogi jamsimanyo SAY HELLO
[D] Jamkkan sillyehamnida
[GD] Nado jamkkan sillyehamnida
[D] Nappeun sarameun anya
[GD] Pyohyeoni seotulppunin geol
[D] Yongginae yeogikkaji wasseo NEED TO SAY GOODBYE
[GD] Geudae cheoeumbon sungan I’M FALLING IN LOVE WITH YOU
Meonjeo malgeoreojundamyeon
[GD] HELLO dodohan GIRL
HELLO gwiyeoun GIRL
Jeogi jamsimanyo SAY HELLO
Meonjeo malgeoreojundamyeon
[GD] HELLO dodohan GIRL
HELLO gwiyeoun GIRL
Jeogi jamsimanyo SAY HELLO
credit to: love.tonic@bbvip
[GD]Let's go you ain't got a girl right now
Well cuz you ain`t got no gain (I know)
I'm show you how to do it gd style (he's write it down)
Here's some rules though,
One, Put on nice
Two, Don't be nervous
Three, Just be yourself (Yeah-p) Follow me now
He just wanna be rap star vita?
Put your hat lightly on your head and pull your pants down as hard as you can
White shoes and shining necklace (bling!)
When you walk follow the rhythm too
And have a tough expression
Mic in left hand, boombox in right, if you're bored beatbox
Yeah cute nice and cool, now say nice to meet you to that hip girl
But she's looking at you weird with your way man I told you (oh no)
It's sense-able, even though you did well, you can still tell
But a way to get another chance so hollaback yo
[DARA]*Hello sexy guy or hello handsome boy
Hello Hello I'll talk to you first
[GD]Hello powerful girl hello cute girl hello hello uh, excuse me
say hello
[GD]She's wanna be, now kind of a hard date
Even if you sit still you have to take a picture
A little bit more chic, more sentimental (fashion)
Jeans and a white tee, fresh suit or maybe vintage
Whatever you wear, wear it with charm (kimchi *to smile in a picture*),
like you've worn it your whole life show like
Yeah cute nice and cool, you can do it too, you don't see that fool
That girl's looking at you too, she's catching a glimpse
A girl's pride is her high heels height
You go first carefully
Your eyes are sleepy, drink something
Even a fun movie, say I go anywhere you go
*chorus repeat
[D] excuse me [G] me too, excuse me
[D] I'm not a bad person [G] The expression was probably just unpracticed
[D] You're brave to come all the way to me, need to say goodbye
[G] When I first saw you I'm falling in love with you girl
*chorus repeat
[BOTH]La la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la la la
[GD] So So fresh what a Hello
*chorus repeat
[Both]La la la la la la La la la la la la La la la la la la
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
[Video] 03/09/09 G-Dragon "Artist of the Month" for GomTV
Artist of the month at Korean GOM TV are GD!!
That's great to see him solo interview at TV!!
He did a very good explaining about his HeartBreaker MV!!
I hope GD album can be sucess!!
I will buy one after my exam to support him!!
Hope all the others VIP will do the same too!!
Video Taken From : ibigbangsub@youtube
[Video] Big Bang TV - Episode 11 090909
This was the last episode for Big Bang TV!! [It's sad to hear this]
But I hope next time still got the chance to watch Big Bang TV!!
Lastly, This episode include GaHo TV too!!
It's interesting rite!!
Just click to watch!!
Video From : ibigbangsub @ youtube!!
[MV & Lyrics] Super Junior - She's Gone [Kor/Rom/Eng]
사랑이 떠나다 (She's Gone)
내게서 언제부터 지친걸까
난 네게 무엇을 힘들게 한 걸까
더 이상 아무런 말도
더하지 않는 너에게
이제는 물을수도 없는
내가 돼 버린걸
흔한 투정도 한 번 없이
그저 넌 착한 미소로 웃어주는
그 눈에 스치는
슬픔 놓쳐버린건
무심했던 미련함인걸 미안해
my love
돌아서는 너를 보며
사랑이 걷혀가던
시간이 이제야
내게도 보이고 있지만
이별이란 순간처럼
오는거라 생각했지
내게 이렇게 스며들고
있었다는 걸 몰랐었어
다시 되돌릴 수 있다면
아니 한번만 다시 웃어준다면
혼자서 지친
니 맘을 안지 못한건
어리석은 자존심인걸 미안해
my love
차가워진 너를 보며
이별이 번져가는
순간을 이제는
어쩔수 없음을 난 알지만
사랑이란 이름으로
서서히 물들때처럼
내게 사랑이 떠나가고
있었다는걸 몰랐었어
미안하다는 말조차도
이렇게나 미안한데
이런 내가 무슨말을
어떻게 해야할까
숨조차 쉴 수
없을만큼 어지러워
놓쳐버린 시간속을
서둘러 헤매어봐도
이제와 할 수 있는 건
없다는 것을
돌아서는 너를 보며
사랑이 걷혀가던
시간이 이제야
내게도 보이고 있지만
이별이란 순간처럼
오는거라 생각했지
내게 이렇게 스며들고
있었다는 걸 몰랐었어
title: Sarangi Ttonada
[KH] Negeso onjebutho jichingolkka
nan nege muosul himdulge han golkka
[SM] do isang amuron maldo
dohaji anhnun noege
ijenun murulsudo obnun
nega dwe boringol
[DH] hunhan thujongdo hanbon obshi
gujo non chaghan misoro usojunun
[KI] gu nune suchinun
sulphum nohchyoboringon
[YS] mushimhetdon miryonhamingol mianhe
my love
[SJ] dorasonun norul bomyo
sarangi godhyogadon
[RW] shigani ijeya
negedo boigo itjiman
[SJ] ibyoriran sunganchorom
onungora senggaghetji
[KH] nege irohge sumyodulgo
issotdanun gol mollassosso
[DH] dashi doedollil su itdamyon
[KI] ani hanbonman dashi usojundamyon
[SM] honjaso jichin
ni mamul anji mothangon
[RW] orisogun jajonshimingol mianhe
my love
[SJ] chagawojin norul bomyo
ibyori bonjyoganun
[YS] sunganul ijenun
ocholsu obsumul nan aljiman
[SJ] sarangiran irumuro
sosohi muldulttechorom
[KI] nege sarangi ttonagago
issotdanungol mollassosso
[SJ] mianhadanun maljochado
[KH] irohgena mianhande
[DH] iron nega musunmarul
ottohge heyahalkka
[KH] sumjocha shwil su
obsulmankhum ojirowo
[RW] nohchyoborin shigansogul
sodullo hemeobwado
[YS] ijewa hal su innun gon
obdanun gosul
[SJ] dorasonun norul bomyo
sarangi godhyogadon
[KH] shigani ijeya
negedo boigo itjiman
[SJ] ibyoriran sunganchorom
onungora senggaghetji
[RW] nege irohge
[YS] sumyodulgo issotdanun gol mollassosso
title: She's Gone
When did you start becoming weary of me
What burdens did I give you
To you, no longer say anything
I’ve become unable to ask now
Without the usual grumbling
Still smiling that polite smile
Losing the sadness that passed by your eyes
I’m sorry, it was absentminded stupidity on my part
my love
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took
Now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming
I didn’t know you were such a part of me
If I could turn it all back
No, if you would smile for me just once more
By myself, I’m unable to hold your heart
Because of foolish pride, I’m sorry
my love
When I look at how cold you’ve become
The separation spreading in this instance
Now I know there’s nothing to be done
In the name of love
Slowly like changing colors
Love is leaving me
I didn’t know I had it to begin with
Even words of apology
Although I’m as sorry as this
What could a person like me
Say and how could I say it
Like I can’t breathe, I’m dizzy
Inside lost time
Even if I roam quickly
The only thing I could do now
Is that I can’t do anything
When I see you with your back turned to me
The time love clearly took
Now I can see it too
Like a time of separation
I saw it coming
I didn’t know you were such a part of me
Credit: SJ-World
SuJu Performance,
Sung Min,
Super Junior,
Ye Sung
[INFO] 14/09/09 Sungmin'll replace Shindong on simta this week, Shindong'll have his own vacation
This week because Shindong will be gone for his vacation, Sungmin and some other singers will replace Shindong on simsim tapa radio.
The dates that Sungmin will be the DJ
September 15th : guest is 2AM (Bora)
September 16th : guest are Leehyun, Gilme
September 19th : guest is Supreme Team
source : here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
The dates that Sungmin will be the DJ
September 15th : guest is 2AM (Bora)
September 16th : guest are Leehyun, Gilme
September 19th : guest is Supreme Team
source : here
translated by evanesco@sj-world.net
may take out with full credits
[NEWS] 14/09/09 G-Dragon & T.O.P’s pasts revealed!
VIP's, the news just keep getting better and better! It has been announced that from the popular male idol group, Big Bang, rapper T.O.P and leader G-Dragon will also be featured on MBC Everyone's "Star, The Secret" along with members Tae Yang, Seung Ri, and Daesung.
T.O.P, known for his flawless looks and overflowing charisma from his glares, is said to talk about his past secret when his health was at the high risk of obesity. T.O.P's past also reveals how he had lost about 20 kilograms of weight forty days before his debut. His senior year homeroom teacher mentioned that "after T.O.P returned after forty days I realized that his old shirts and pants were able to fit a little more than two people inside. Another thing from T.O.P's past that will be revealed is his older days when he was still an underground hip-hop artist performing at clubs in cities like Hongdae and Itaewon.
A friend that made an audition demo tape with T.O.P said, "T.O.P loves to act silly and joke around most of the time, but when it gets down to music, he gets very serious and surprisingly has a vast amount of knowledge of music. In addition, he also is very skillful at memorization to point where its really admirable." T.O.P's story will air on September 16 on MBC.
G-Dragon's past story will be about how he debuted with the name, "G-Dragon" under YG entertainment when he was only five years old. He will also be talking about how he once captured the spotlight as a rapping prodigy and started projects with the best indie artists and rappers in Korea when he was only in the sixth grade. He also will reveal the hardships he has when through when many people did not agree with a thirteen year old trying to become a rapper. Many things were mentioned such as his work in musicals (footage will be shown in the episode), and his first sweetheart.
Stay tuned to allkpop for the latest!
Source Allkpop [dot] com
Credits YJiVIP @ BBVIP [dot] net
T.O.P, known for his flawless looks and overflowing charisma from his glares, is said to talk about his past secret when his health was at the high risk of obesity. T.O.P's past also reveals how he had lost about 20 kilograms of weight forty days before his debut. His senior year homeroom teacher mentioned that "after T.O.P returned after forty days I realized that his old shirts and pants were able to fit a little more than two people inside. Another thing from T.O.P's past that will be revealed is his older days when he was still an underground hip-hop artist performing at clubs in cities like Hongdae and Itaewon.
A friend that made an audition demo tape with T.O.P said, "T.O.P loves to act silly and joke around most of the time, but when it gets down to music, he gets very serious and surprisingly has a vast amount of knowledge of music. In addition, he also is very skillful at memorization to point where its really admirable." T.O.P's story will air on September 16 on MBC.
G-Dragon's past story will be about how he debuted with the name, "G-Dragon" under YG entertainment when he was only five years old. He will also be talking about how he once captured the spotlight as a rapping prodigy and started projects with the best indie artists and rappers in Korea when he was only in the sixth grade. He also will reveal the hardships he has when through when many people did not agree with a thirteen year old trying to become a rapper. Many things were mentioned such as his work in musicals (footage will be shown in the episode), and his first sweetheart.
Stay tuned to allkpop for the latest!
Source Allkpop [dot] com
Credits YJiVIP @ BBVIP [dot] net
Saturday, September 12, 2009
[PERF] 110909 G-Dragon - HeartBreaker Performance @ Music Bank
Waiting Room + HeartBreaker + KBS Music Bank #1
Wow!! His just getting more natural when his solo on stage!!
His performance is getting more and more better!!
I also more and more love him!!
He's just too cool!!
And Hooray!! GD got #1 on KBS Music Bank!!
He always just get the award so easily!!
Saranhae GD!!
Hope all of u enjoy watching!!
Wow!! His just getting more natural when his solo on stage!!
His performance is getting more and more better!!
I also more and more love him!!
He's just too cool!!
And Hooray!! GD got #1 on KBS Music Bank!!
He always just get the award so easily!!
Saranhae GD!!
Hope all of u enjoy watching!!
[Video] 110909 Super Junior M - Super Girl MV Teaser
Wow, Super Junior new MV are releasing soon!!
Can't wait to see those cool guys on a new MV!!
Donghae and Siwon just make me getting addicted on them!!
But SungMin was still the first among all Super Junior member!! ^^
Enjoy watching
Friday, September 11, 2009
[PERF] 060909 G-Dragon - Heart Breaker @ Inkigayo
Now GD performance are getting better and better!!
Yeah!! GD won #1 on Inkigayo!!
I'm just happy just like him!!
His freaking cool when his on the stage!!
I love the way he perform his Heart Breaker song!!
Wish today Music Bank his performing too!!
And Music core too!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
[MV & Lyrics] SM TOWN - Seaside 휴게소 (Boom Boom) [KOR/ROM/ENG]
〃시사이드 휴게소 (Boom Boom)〃
Credits to SJ-WORLD.NET / Original Source. sj-market.com
[창민] Aloha! This is SM Town from Korea (유천: Hello) Amigo!
[윤호,동해] Bring it on now, put ‘em shades on
put ‘em in your pocket don’t you wanna go girl
Gacha gacha yeah, Shaka shaka hey!
[창민] 쏟아지는 햇살 그 사이로 핑크 비키니 아가씨
[유천] 아직 떠나지 말아요
[준수] 나의 맘을 가져요
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[온유] 너무 지루해 Sea-side 휴게소
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[한긍] 내게서 멀어져 가네
[재중] Baby! Baby! 후회는 날려 버려
[규♥현] Take me, take me 태양을 즐겨
[종현] Baby! Baby! 망설일 필요 없어
[려욱] 지금이 즐거운 인생
[성민] 부서지는 파도 그 너머로 빨간 석양이 내리고
[시원] Part-time 알바가 끝나면
[신동] 드디어 나의 무대지
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[윤호] 너무 지루해 Sea-side 휴게소
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[태민] 내게서 멀어져 가네
[준수] Baby! Baby! 후회는 날려 버려
[려욱] Take me, take me 오늘을 즐겨
[예성] Baby! Baby! 망설일 필요 없어
[온유] 지금이 즐거운 인생
[은♥혁] 미치도록 숨이 막히도록 끝없이 달려 부릉 부릉 이끌어 줄 테니까
어머나 어쩌나 걱정들은 버려라
[유천] Seaside, that’s right, people love each other, take a ride
Hot girl, please don’t take off, bring your make up, move your hot butt, yeah
[Key] You feel the breeze, 지금 이순간을 느껴봐 뜨거운 태양 아래 Go! Go! Go!
[종현] 새까맣게 태운 얼굴 위로
[태민] 파도가 빙빙 머리 위로 태양이 빙빙
[온유] 여름을 안은 아가씨
[민호] 나의 맘을 받아요
[샤이니] 나의 맘을 받아요~ Oh! Yeah~ Hey SHINee! 여긴 Seaside 휴게소
[동방신기] 나의 맘을 받아요 Hey! Summer-boy~
[온유] 누구나 오세요 누구나 즐거워
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[강인] 아직 기다려 나의 여름아
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[이특] 오늘 밤 너 하나 나 하나 추억들이 하나하나
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
[동해] 너무 즐거워 Sea-side 휴게소
차들은 씽씽 달려 달려 (샤랄랄랄랄라)
라디온 붐붐 come on come on
내게서 멀어져 가네
〃Seaside Hyoogeso (Boom Boom)〃
Credits to La'MISS:fairy at SJ-WORLD.NET
[CHANGMIN] Aloha! This is SM Town from Korea (YOOCHUN: Hello) Amigo!
[YUNHO,DONGHAE] Bring it on now, put ‘em shades on
put ‘em in your pocket don’t you wanna go girl
Gacha gacha yeah, Shaka shaka hey!
[CHANGMIN] Ssodajineun haetsal geu sairo pink bikini agasshi
[YOOCHUN] Ajik dduhnaji marayo
[JUNSU] Naui mameul gajyuhyo
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[ONEW] Nuhmoo jiroohae Sea-side hyoogeso
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[HANGENG] Naegesuh muhruhjyuh gane
[JAEJOONG] Baby! Baby! Hoohweneun nallyuh buhryuh
[KYU♥HYUN] Take me, take me taeyangeul jeulkyuh
[JONGHYUN] Baby! Baby! Mangsuhril piryo uhbsuh
[RYEOWOOK] Jigeumi jeulguhwoon insaeng
[SUNGMIN] Boosuhjineun pado geu nuhmuhro bbalgan suhkyangi naerigo
[SIWON] Part-time albaga kkeutnamyuhn
[SHINDONG] Deudiuh naui moodaeji
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[YUNHO] Nuhmoo jiroohae Sea-side hyoogeso
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[TAEMIN] Naegesuh muhruhjyuh gane
[JUNSU] Baby! Baby! Hoohweneun nallyuh buhryuh
[RYEOWOOK] Take me, take me oneureul jeulgyuh
[YESUNG] Baby! Baby! Mangsuhril piryo uhbsuh
[ONEW] Jigeumi jeulguhwoon insaeng
[EUN♥HYUK] Michidorok soomi makhidorok kkeutuhbshi dallyuh booreung booreung eekkeuruh jool tenikka
Uhmuhna uhjjuhna guhkjuhngdeureun buhryuhra
[YOOCHUN] Seaside, that’s right, people love each other, take a ride
Hot girl, please don’t take off, bring your make up, move your hot butt, yeah
[KEY] You feel the breeze, jigeum eesoonganeul neukkyuhbwa ddeuguhwoon taeyang arae Go! Go! Go!
[JONGHYUN] Saekkamahge taewoon uhlgool wiro
[TAEMIN] Padoga bingbing muhri wiro taeyangi bing bing
[ONEW] Yuhreumeul aneun agasshi
[MINHO] Naui mameul badayo
[SHINee] Naui mameul badayo~ Oh! Yeah~ Hey SHINee! Yuhgin Seaside hyoogeso
[TVXQ] Naui mameul badayo Hey! Summer-boy~
[ONEW] Noogoona oseyo noogoona jeulguhwuh
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[KANGIN] Ajik gidaryuh naui yuhreuma
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[LEETEUK] Oneul bam nuh hana na hana choouhkdeuri hana hana
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
[DONGHAE] Nuhmoo jeulguhwuh Sea-side hyoogeso
Chadeureun sshinsshing dallyuh dallyuh (shalalalalala)
Radion Boom Boom come on come on
Naegesuh muhruhjyuh gane
〃Seaside Hyoogeso (Boom Boom)〃
Credits to La'MISS:fairy at SJ-WORLD.NET
[CHANGMIN] Aloha! This is SM Town from Korea (YOOCHUN: Hello) Amigo!
[YUNHO,DONGHAE] Bring it on now, put ‘em shades on
put ‘em in your pocket don’t you wanna go girl
Gacha gacha yeah, Shaka shaka hey!
[CHANGMIN] Sunlight pouring down on that young lady in the pink bikini
[YOOCHUN] Don't leave yet
[JUNSU] Take my heart
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[ONEW] It's too boring Sea-side a resting place
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[HANGENG] Going further away from me
[JAEJOONG] Baby! Baby! Throw away your regrets
[KYU♥HYUN] Take me, take me Enjoy the sun
[JONGHYUN] Baby! Baby! No need to waver
[RYEOWOOK] Now life is delightful
[SUNGMIN] The red evening sun sets beyond those breaking waves
[SIWON] And after the Part-time is over
[SHINDONG] It’s finally time for my stage
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[YUNHO] It's too boring Sea-side a resting place
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[TAEMIN] Going further away from me
[JUNSU] Baby! Baby! Throw away your regrets
[RYEOWOOK] Take me, take me Enjoy today
[YESUNG] Baby! Baby! No need to waver
[ONEW] Now life is delightful
[EUN♥HYUK] Madly, breathlessly, endlessly run, vroom vroom, I'll guide you
Oh no, oh how, throw away your worries
[YOOCHUN] Seaside, that’s right, people love each other, take a ride
Hot girl, please don’t take off, bring your make up, move your hot butt, yeah
[KEY] You feel the breeze, feel the moment now under the hot sun Go! Go! Go!
[JONGHYUN] Above my badly tanned face
[TAEMIN] The waves whirl, the sun round and round over the head
[ONEW] The young lady in the Summer
[MINHO] Accept my heart
[SHINee] Accept my heart~ Oh! Yeah~ Hey SHINee! Here's the Seaside a resting place
[TVXQ] Accept my heart Hey! Summer-boy~
[ONEW] Everyone please come over Everyone enjoy yourselves
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[KANGIN] Still waiting for my Summer
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[LEETEUK] Tonight only you, only me, memories one by one
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
[DONGHAE] It's too entertaining Sea-side a resting place
The cars whizzing whizzing running running (shalalalalala)
The Radio Boom Boom come on come on
Going further away from me
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