Noah's Ark Exact Size Replica in Hong Kong
For everyone in Hong Kong, make sure you come to our concert & outreach “ADDICTION TO PASSION” on Oct 31st, 2009 at 7PM at the Noah’s Ark on Ma Wan Island. We are expecting nearly 3,000 to come to a sold out show with my friends MC Jin, Van Ness Wu, Sean from “JinuSean” Korea, Sherman Chung, & my boy Siwon Choi from “Super Junior” and myself throwing it down on Halloween for God’s glory…
Recently, in the last years there has been major problems with drug addictions, alcohol, violence and sexual immorality to the point city officials don’t know what to do in Hong Kong. We are holding this event to proclaim a message of freedom in Jesus Christ to set the many youth in Hong Kong free from these destructive addictions. My “Soldiers of Light” Jin, Van Ness, Sean, Sherman, Siwon and others will be not only performing, but sharing personal testimonies of how God has changed their lives for the better. I KNOW this is going to be more than an event, or concert, it’s going to be a straight on ENCOUNTER WITH GOD and HIS ANGELS setting every young person in that place free from darkness by the power of His LIGHT!!!
As of right now, the concert is sold out but call your local ticket holders or go to this link to see if there are any options. Pray for this concert and outreach to rain down God’s glory, set free every prisoner in bondage and release the light of Jesus Christ into Hong Kong for a new revival across this island….GOD KNOWS WE NEED LIGHT IN THESE DAYS…
Source: Jaeson Ma's official website
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